Small spotted catshark

Rethinking anatomy

Anitomical is a SaaS startup dedicated to the digitisation of animal anatomy through scientifically accurate 3D models.

    24/7 access to accurate anatomical data

    Comparative anatomy at your fingertips

    Efficient & animal-free alternative to dissections

Key features

    Scientifically accurate

    In-house development of digital 3D anatomical models reviewed by international experts.

    Interactive application

    View the anatomy of each 3D model in full detail with information and annotations.

    Comparative anatomy

    Easily compare the anatomy of two different animals in a standardized format.

    3D printed models

    Enhanced learning experience with additional 3D printed physical models.

Loligo vulgaris

Comparative anatomy application

Anitomical is developing a subscription-based platform with scientifically accurate 3D anatomical models of animals to enhance anatomy education and research. Our platform is aimed at academic institutions with a bachelor’s program in biology – offering them a more advanced, efficient and humane alternative to labor-intensive dissection classes. In the future we will make our application available to all levels of education.

Our vision is that the methods used to study anatomy should be scientifically correct, understandable and accessible to anyone at all levels of education.

Our mission is to contribute to and forward scientific research and education, increase enthusiasm in the field of biology and reduce the number of test animals.

Eledone cirrhosa
Lymnaea stagnalis anatomy
6 day old chicken embryo
3d print of Helix pomatia

Others about Anitomical

    Anitomical’s precise 3D models bring biodiversity to life, filling the 21st-century gap in digital anatomy education. Perfectly timed for technologies like VR and 3D printing, they’re essential for teaching at all levels.

    — Oliver Tills, University of Plymouth

    When I saw that 3D-printed snail in real life that was quite something else! And just for context, I have worked for my thesis with these snails so I know them pretty well.

    — Sander van Iersel, Jester&Wylde

    The stunning level of detail, combined with the ability to navigate around the 3D models provide excellent support for teaching, and research. But even for those without professionial interests, Anatomical literally draws you in to explore animals, both local and exotic.

    — Dirk-Jan de Koning, SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Ready to transform your anatomy education?

Our aim is to launch our digital anatomy platform in 2025. We are currently in the process of beta testing our comparative anatomy app and platform integration with digital learning environments. Please contact us if you’re interested to incorporate Anitomical at your university or to review upcoming models!